The nursery is open 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma – Golden Weeping Willow

Salix x sepulcralis chrysocoma


Choose a form
15L N/A
£65.00 each
10L N/A
£55.00 each

Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma’ (also known as Salix ‘Chrysocoma’), is a deciduous, weeping tree, well-known for its graceful appearance and striking golden-yellow branches. Growing to a height of between 12 and 20 metres, this is a tree for moist ground or watersides. Its vigorous root system, although shallow, is wide spreading and this tree should not be planted near buildings or drains.

Attribute information

Mature Height: 8-10m

Tree type: Ornamental