The nursery is open 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Castanea sativa

Sweet Chestnut


Choose a form
10L N/A
£48.00 each
1.8-2.4m N/A
£48.00 each
Light standard (6-8cm girth) N/A
£75.00 each
Standard (8-10cm girth) N/A
£95.00 each

Castanea sativa, the Sweet Chestnut, is a large deciduous tree native to southern Europe and Asia Minor and naturalised in the UK, having been introduced by the Romans.   It typically reaches a height of 20-35 metres, with some specimens occasionally growing up to 40 metres. The tree is characterized by its thick, ridged bark and long, toothed leaves. Sweet Chestnuts produce edible nuts, encased in spiny husks, and are known for their longevity, with some trees living for several centuries. The tree prefers well-drained soils and can thrive in a variety of climates, making it a valuable species for timber and nut production.

Attribute information

Height: 20-35m

Tree type: Ornamental